semakin dewasa

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Monday, July 28, 2008

ECE's interaction day..

our interaction day for senior and junior are held at Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong, Pahang and this is a interaction that many student are joined...there are many challenge activities that we did like flying fox, jungle tracking and the activity that challenge our stamina like obtacles course....we are very enjoy the activity...but what the important is..this interaction are medium to close the relationship betweem senior and junor...i also hope this programme really give the benefit to all early childhood education student...UM IS ONE....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

oH mY GOD...PPEA2106-24 july 2008-

today ms Ng ask me to present in front of her and my friends on the spot... oh my GOD...i dont know what to say and how i want to give an explanation to them about 'history of internet and how it change over the time'...oh..iam trouble...i am not prepare..before,i just read and simplifly the note to the chart...i am not really study about that..

but, i am so lucky because all my friends support and help me...its look like a discussion..not jist i present and they heard..all of them give an least it reduced my heart beat because Ms Ng have a lot of when i cannot answer the question...they help me..thanks to all of you..i am not presentation are finished.." i can breath with properly...huhuhuhu.."

but, its lesson for me..its realized me that as a students we must alway prepared...after this class all my friends look like...dont how to discribe their face look like...they worried because our lesson getting hard...we must to work hard start from now...this week me must to find and example of web 2.0....:-)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

PPEA 2106..Watch out!!!!!

this week we must to create our own e-portfolio with use wikispaces web....
this task is so very interesting because it make all of use often ask and discuss each other....
while ...not many student for this subject...but we still cooperate and help each other...

suddenly i remember one of the tv programme for kid -WONDER PET- they said..."apa yang penting...kerjasama"...even its in malay...but this sentence so meaningful to us in one class and as a one team....:-)

ThREe cOndiTiOn tO aQuiRe eXellAnt ChAracter

This is one example of the excellent character with which Allâh, the Exalted, has equipped his Messenger . He described him as,

“Verily, you (Muhammad) are on an exalted standard of character.” [Al-Qalam (68): 4]

'Â’ishah (radiyAllâhu ‘anhâ), described him as,

“His character was just [a reflection of] the Qur’ân.”[1]

Such excellent character cannot be attained without three conditions:

1) The foundation must be good. If one has a rough and dry nature, it will be hard for him to submit to this [excellence of character] through knowledge, will, or practice. On the other hand, a mild and smooth nature will be ready and willing to receive the plowing and the seeds [to prepare it for character excellence].

2) The soul must be strong and capable of conquering calls of laziness, transgression, and desire. Those matters contradict perfection, and souls that cannot defeat them will always be defeated and conquered.

3) [One must possess] a discerning knowledge of the truth of matters, enabling one to put them in the rightful position, and to distinguish between flash and cancer - between glass and jewels.

If these three qualities are present in a man, and Allâh’s facilitation helps him, then he will be among those whom the best (husnâ) has been decreed and for whom Allâh’s care has been secured.

[1] Muslim, Abû Dâwûd, Ahmad


You know a dream is like a river....

ever changing as it flows.

And a dreamer's just a vessel that must follow where it goes.

Trying to learn from what's behind you and never knowing what's in store

makes each day a constant battle just to stay between the shores.

And I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry.

Like a bird upon the wind, these waters are my sky.

I'll never reach my destination if I never try,

So I will sail my vessel 'til the river runs dry.

Too many times we stand aside and let the water slip away.

To what we put off 'til tomorrow has now become today.

So don't you sit upon the shore and say you're satisfied...

Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tides.

new sem is come back..!!!

now i'am a second year student..and....for this sem we must to tak internet and education as our minor subject...WOW...its mean we must to prepare our self for this subject....
At the first i feel afraid and worried about this subject because i know who am i....
i'am not really know and expert how to use many thing that i must to learn....

in our first class, Ms Ng...our lucturer told us about an assigment...1 by the time...i feel...i dont know how to discribe... but...when i look Ms Ng..she is so kind we feel that easy to us to ask her when we have a problem about our learning...she said to us " dont afraid to try and we must to explored if we want to be an expert to us the technology" make me feel a little bit better than before...I MUST TO TRY AND DO IT!!!!!!!! I CAN DO IT!!!!! insyaallah.......